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The Buddha Seal of Authentic Human Embodiment


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Breath is the Bridge between Meditation in Stillness and Action

"Only Moment Body is the Root of the Bodhi Tree,
Our five senses are a Great Round Mirror Bright.
Resting intimately in our Wisdoming Core,
No speck of ego-self, knowing, or
knowledge alights."

( Shugyo Daijo-roshi (May 2007) )

Sleeping, Awakening, Dreaming and Being Dreamed

From the moment of birth until the moment of death all human beings are called by their moment body wisdoming to realize their awakened nature, their subtle power of dreaming and their bright refuge of being dreamed. Though this calling is present from the moment of our birth, young minds fall asleep in thinking, forget their awakened nature, neglect their power to dream, and loose touch with the refuge of being dreamed. Even so, the innate calling, the sleeping in words, the liberation of awakening, the power of dreaming, and the truth of being dreamed are completely One Wisdoming, just as It is. This reality of One Wisdoming is not only a matter of Oneness within our embodied self. It is a shared or universal matter of One Wisdoming manifesting as the momentary flashing of eternity, the infinite harmonious functioning of all time and space, and the marriage of discreteness and interdependency within all beings and things.

When sleeping, dreaming, awakening and being dreamed are embodied with full awareness, there is emancipation and realization. 'Emancipation' means that the dreamer is no longer in bondage to dreaming the self, sleeping in words, or seeking an awakened nature beyond ordinary life and the truth of being dreamed. 'Realization' means that when the lucid dreamer awakens to dreaming the self and the wonder of being dreamed, Only Moment Body is authenticated and actualized just as it is. "Just as it is" means vital immersion and passionate engagement in total life. "Just as it is" also means peaceful entrustment and faithful release in total death.

Dreaming in the night, we can understand that we are dreamers of a dream. Although we may acknowledge that we are dreamers in the night, the fact that we are sleeping in words, dreaming the self, and being dreamed within a Vast Wisdoming continues to elude us. Even though we may be asleep to dreaming and being dreamed, still the sleep, the dreamer, the dream, and the Way of being dreamed unfold without hindrance, judgment or obstruction. As lucid dreaming, endless awakening, and being infinitely dreamed are the blood, bones, and marrow of an enlightened life, the "eye and the treasure of the ancient Buddha Seal" is the unstained practice of living your Only Moment Body. As your Only Moment Body is unstained and undefiled by the thinking mind, a life of daily awakening, lucid dreaming, and joyfully being dreamed exists in a pristine authenticity and a wordless integrity before any discriminations of purity or defilement, wisdom or ignorance, truth or falsehood, delusion or enlightenment, nirvana or samsara. Even in the midst of self-attachments, endless thoughts, arising doubts and the continuous practice of daily life, your Only Moment Body remains at ease and rests completely in the "wakeful eye and wisdoming treasure of the authentic Buddha Seal". Resting at ease in the "authentic Buddha Seal", Only Moment Body embraces not-knowing and clarifies dreaming and being dreamed without beginning or end. As lucid dreaming, being dreamed and not-knowing are timeless and endless, the circle of the Awakened Way remains unbroken and the wisdoming of your Only Moment Body continues to unfold throughout your journey of life and death.

Moment Body is Entanglement Beyond Entanglements

As the life force of a Wisteria vine is expressed in the tight entanglement of its branches, so too, the life force of this Only Moment Body is expressed in the ever-deepening entanglement of sleeping, awakening, dreaming and being dreamed. As this Baby Ancient is dream writing the body of Shakyamuni Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha is dreaming the Only Moment Body of this Baby Ancient. Thus, the authentic Buddha Seal is exactly deep spiritual entanglement of this dreamer as Only Moment Body, the dreaming body of Shakyamuni Buddha, and the eternal truth that both are being dreamed Now without obstruction or hindrance. Being dreamed also means that this Only Moment Body is entanglement of stillness, silence, wakefulness and vast wisdoming within the skin, flesh, blood, bones and marrow of zazen meditation, the transmitted Seal of the Buddha Way.

When we practice zazen meditation as this Only Moment Body of awakening, lucid dreaming, and living enlightenment within the truth of being dreamed, we actualize complete realization and embody correct transmission of the authentic Buddha Seal. Correct transmission of the Buddha Seal is cutting the root of worldly entanglements through spiritual entanglement with impermanence, no-self, and the deep formless wisdoming of this Only Moment Body. Cutting off all entanglements also means no entanglement with thoughts or images of the Buddha Seal. As entanglement to the traps and cages of the Buddha Seal are cut off, the skin, flesh, blood, bones, and marrow of this Only Moment Body embrace the formlessness of Vast Wisdoming and bow to Nothing holy. Cutting off all worldly and spiritual entanglements in this Way, patriarchs and matriarchs endlessly revitalize the precious Buddha Seal as the daily practice of infinite oneness, everywhere sacredness, compassionate being, and vast wisdoming in this Only Moment Body.

The Root Transmission of This Only Moment Body

When Shakyamuni Buddha met with 5,000 monks, nuns, and lay practitioners on Vulture Peak in India, he held up a flower with his fingers and presented it to all the meditation practitioners who were gathered. Wondering what he meant by this act, everyone kept silent. Only the head disciple, Mahakasyapa, smiled. Just then, Shakyamuni Buddha said, "I have the eye and the treasure body of Vast Wisdoming. I now declare that this eye and treasure body has been transmitted to the monk Mahakasyapa”. This root transmission of Only Moment Body from Shakyamuni Buddha to his faithful disciple Mahakasyapa is beyond words. It is the intimate birth and awakening of the lineage of the Buddha Seal. For centuries, this Only Moment Body of awakening, dreaming, living enlightenment and being dreamed has been passed down with intimate authenticity from the root body of Shakyamuni Buddha to the bodies of devoted teachers and sincere practitioners of the Buddha Way. As descendents and honorable caretakers of this root transmission, teachers and students of the Buddha Seal of zazen meditation speak ceaselessly to one another through the silent and intimate language of this Only Moment Body, the undefiled diamond body of compassionate being in Vast Wisdoming.

Since the root transmission between Shakyamuni Buddha and Mahakasyapa, the intimate lineage of this Only Moment Body has continued unbroken in the relational intertwinement between teachers and student practitioners. This intertwinement and deep spiritual entanglement between teachers and students emerges through their mutually devoted practice of zazen meditation, their wisdoming together within the stillness of No-Mind, and their mirrored transmission of sleeping, awakening, dreaming and being dreamed within the vast wisdoming of their Only Moment Body.

The Intimate Intertwining of Teachers and Students

Honoring the root of deep spiritual entanglement as originally embodied by Shakyamuni Buddha and the monk Mahakasyapa, teachers and students endlessly intertwine to perpetuate the historical lineage of the Buddha Seal as the flesh, blood, bone and marrow of this Only Moment Body. This intimate spiritual intertwining between teachers and students may be likened to ancients perpetuating ancients, buddhas midwifing buddhas, and lucid dreamers birthing lucid dreamers. In this Way, the entangled skin, flesh, bones and marrow of teacher and student are exactly the authentic only moment bodies of undefiled transmission. Those who speak of intimate transmission as mind to mind transmission, speak incorrectly, miss the mark, and cause sincere practitioners to wander far from their Original Nature and their True Home. Intimate transmission of the Buddha Seal is exactly Moment Body to Moment Body with No-Mind transmitted.

The intimate root transmission between Shakyamuni Buddha and the old monk Mahakasyapa is deep entanglement of teacher and student in the skin, flesh, blood, bone and marrow of No-Mind. In this Way, No-Mind is exactly this Only Moment Body of bright Wisdoming. As Only Moment Body is the bright Wisdoming of No-Mind, complete transmission, realization, mindfulness and endless practice are exactly the skin, flesh, blood, bone and marrow of living enlightenment Now. Living enlightenment Now means that Only Moment Body is a spiritual refuge beyond the traps and cages of self-consciousness, ego awareness and thinking mind. Transmission of No-Mind before giving, receiving or attaining is deep spiritual entanglement of teacher and student in this Only Moment Body of Vast Wisdoming. Thus, transmission of No-Mind as this Only Moment Body of endless awakening, lucid dreaming, and realization of being dreamed is exactly the flesh, blood, bone, and marrow of living an enlightened life and dying an enlightened death. Enlightened life means clearly seeing, authentically being, and endlessly practicing this Only Moment Body, just as It is. Enlightened death means clearly seeing, authentically being and faithfully entrusting this Only Moment Body to death and dying, just as It is. Just as It is means that the infinite reality of life is Vast Wisdoming. Just as It is means that the infinite reality of death is also Vast Wisdoming. As existence is the infinite form body of Vast Wisdoming and nonexistence is the infinitely formless body of Vast Wisdoming, Only Moment Body rests in the wondrous nature and deep refuge of Vast Wisdoming in both life and death.

Only Moment Body is the Transmission of No-Mind

The authentic Buddha lineage of Only Moment Body as the intelligent wisdoming of No-Mind is exactly the practice body of zazen meditation. Zazen is Only Moment Body actualizing original enlightenment on no-ground and resting in the emptiness of all worldly and spiritual entanglements. Only Moment Body as the Vast Wisdoming of No-Mind is the skin, flesh, blood, bone, and marrow of bodymind completely dropped off. Many practitioners of the Buddha Way practice zazen meditation in order to drop off bodymind, realize emptiness, and attain enlightenment. However, they do not understand that the sincere practice of zazen meditation as this Only Moment Body is exactly body, mind and self dropped off. The sincere practice of zazen meditation includes wakeful embodiment, upright posture, falling asleep in passing thoughts, ever awakening, and endlessly returning to the deep wisdoming nature of breath. Sincerely returning home to the wisdoming nature of breath is the authentic life of this Only Moment Body and complete dropping-off of body, mind and self. As body, mind, and self are completely dropped-off in ever returning to breath, Only Moment Body is all of instant awakening, gradual realization of lucid dreaming, and the endless practice of enlightenment while being dreamed. As this Only Moment Body is exactly the No-Mind of Infinite Wisdoming, complete enlightenment and dropping-off in zazen meditation are just so before all arising thoughts of body, mind, self, effort, judgment, accomplishment, or gain.

Only Moment Body as the No-Mind of Vast Wisdoming does not distinguish shallow or deep between skin, flesh, blood, bone and marrow. The skin and flesh are not farther away from Infinite Wisdoming than the bone and marrow of this Only Moment Body. The wisdom of the marrow is not deeper than the wisdom of the skin. This means that transmission of Only Moment Body includes skin, flesh, blood, bone and marrow of deep wisdoming simultaneously. Simultaneously means that the skin, flesh, blood, bone and marrow of Only Moment Body are all included in Shakyamuni's upheld Flower and the simple smile of Mahakasyapa. As Only Moment Body, Shakyamuni Buddha holds up One Flower and transmits the skin, flesh, blood, bone and marrow of Vast Wisdoming, boundless compassion and the practice of enlightened life to Mahakasyapa. This root transmission of Vast Wisdoming, boundless compassion, and the Way of living enlightenment continues to be the template for ancients birthing ancients, buddhas actualizing buddhas, teachers realizing teachers, and lucid dreamers awakening dreamers to being dreamed.

Transmission is Beyond Withholding, Giving, or Receiving

Transmission of the eye and treasure body of Infinite Wisdoming is this Only Moment Body as student intimately realizing the skin, flesh, blood, bones and marrow of this Only Moment Body as teacher. Intimately realizing means both teacher and student are dreaming and being dreamed while intimately reflecting each other in the Great Round Mirror of this Only Moment Body. This intimate transmission between teacher and student is actualized without the hindrance of withholding or the obstruction of grasping. Thus, transmission of this Only Moment Body is more than giving or receiving, for anything that can be given can also be withheld and anything that can be received can also be owned or self-obstructed. As this Only Moment Body is exactly Infinite Wisdoming, it does not know ownership, withholding, gaining nor receiving. Only Moment Body is always the eye and treasure body of Vast Wisdoming without anything lacking or missing. In truth, Only Moment Body as the Infinite Wisdoming of No-Mind cannot be withheld, transmitted or given by the teacher; nor can it be grasped at, received or attained by the student. Although this transmission between teacher and student is genuinely the Way of no-transmission, it is all of intimate transmission of this Only Moment Body, just as It is. Just as It is means mutual awakening to the liberation of dreaming and the refuge of being dreamed, mutual realization of No-Mind in endless practice, and mutual acknowledgement of living this Only Moment Body as enlightened life without attainment or gain.

Intimately Study & Practice This True Standard of Transmission

Only Moment Body, as the unhidden treasure body of Infinite Wisdoming, is intimately felt, openly transmitted and instantly realized through the endless spiritual entanglement of teachers and students in the Buddha Way. Spiritual entanglement cannot be separated from the transmission of this Only Moment Body as the skin, flesh, blood, bones and marrow of the Buddha Seal and the Buddha Way. The bright wisdoming body of Shakyamuni Buddha is exactly the precious intimacy and the Seal of transmission between teachers and students. As there is not a hairs distance between Only Moment Body wisdoming as Shakyamuni Buddha, Only Moment Body wisdoming as living teacher, and Only Moment Body wisdoming as beginning student, the Way remains untarnished by duality, entanglement, enlightenment, or transmission. Though completely untarnished by duality, entanglement, enlightenment, or transmission, the skin, flesh, blood, bones and marrow of this Only Moment Body are exactly dynamic duality, deep entanglement, mirrored transmission, and mutually enlightened practice. Those who realize duality, entanglement, transmission and enlightenment in this Way know the True Standard for arising as a Baby Buddha, cultivating the life of the Ancients, and endlessly awakening to dreaming and being dreamed. As practitioners of the Buddha Way, we are all called to intimately study this precious standard in the bright stillness of zazen meditation. Arising from the bright wisdoming stillness of zazen meditation, let us continue to compassionately intertwine our lives like the branches of wisteria. In our precious entanglement, let us join together to endlessly clarify the ancient Buddha Seal of Only Moment Body, the transmission of enlightened life, the truth of Nothing holy, and the endless joy and practice of everything Sacred.

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Dr. Andrew Shugyo Daijo Bonnici, Roshi
January 28, 2008

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